Sleeping Beauty by Tom Whalen

Tomorrow Cyclops Print Works is releasing Sleeping Beauty from Tom Whalen. Tom’s work is hard to miss and if you are into poster art at all, then you are most likely already familiar with his artwork. We have more than a few of his pieces in our collection. This is our first post for Cyclops and we are excited to see what else they release in the future. The Sleeping Beauty print comes in two variants. The regular shows Maleficent looking down on Princess Aurora and Prince Phillip. While the variant has some completely different art and depicts Maleficent in dragon form. Both pieces of art look enchanting and have that classic Whalen style. Each print is 36″ x 24″ with the regular having an edition size of 250 and the variant with a very limited 160 copies. Both versions will go one sale tomorrow on the Cyclops Print Works homepage at 1PM EST.

Sleeping Beauty by Tom Whalen
Sleeping Beauty by Tom Whalen
Sleeping Beauty - Variant by Tom Whalen
Sleeping Beauty – Variant by Tom Whalen