Mothra vs Godzilla by Tom Whalen

Seem like Tom Whalen has been everywhere lately. Late last month he did an incredible Sleeping Beauty piece for Cyclops Print Works. Then last week Bottleneck Gallery released his Green Lantern – Silver Age print. Today, in collaboration with Mondo, Tom gives us his latest, Mothra vs Godzilla. This print is being released along side a humungous Mothra statue that Mondo is releasing today as well, but what we are really after are the prints! Today’s release comes in a regular and variant version. Both prints are 24″ x 36″, with the regular version having an edition size of 225 and the variant being limited to 125 pieces. Both prints and the statue go on sale today at 1PM EST on Mondo’s Drop.

Mothra vs. Godzilla - Regular by Tom Whalen.
Mothra vs. Godzilla – Regular by Tom Whalen.
Mothra vs. Godzilla - Variant by Tom Whalen.
Mothra vs. Godzilla – Variant by Tom Whalen.