We are big fans of Mr. Willoughby’s work. From his past Nintendo/Super Nintendo prints to the exquisite, more recent Shining piece, his work always leaves us wanting more. His style of focusing on one object and then incorporating various elements from the subject matter is unique and makes for some very cool artwork. His latest release, the Indiana Jones trilogy from Bottleneck Gallery, blends this style with archaeological artifacts that are key elements from each film. It works nicely as each print shines, and not just the artwork. All prints in this release are printed with metallic inks that provide a nice touch and both regular and variant editions are available. Each print is 18″ x 36″ and comes in an edition size of 175 for the regular and a paltry, 75 copies for the variant. You also have the option of buying the prints individually or in a set of 3 (regular or variant). All versions go on sale tomorrow at Noon EST on the BNG homepage.