Re-Animator, Psycho & Roost22 by Tom Whalen

Starting tomorrow, Tom Whalen will be dropping prints each day through Friday with something different each day. Tom’s style in unmistakable, in a good way of course and these drops cover a lot of what Whalen has been working on and recent alternative movie posters and prints. The drops happen at 12PM EST each day. Head over to to get more details. For Wednesday Whalen is dropping 3 different original pieces of artwork. Re-Animator, Psycho & Roost22 are all 12″ x 18″ prints. Re-Animator and Roost22 will have editions of 70 and cost $25. Psycho is $30 and has a edition of 60. These are on sale today at 12PM EST in Strong Stuff shop.

Re-Animator, Psycho & Roost22 by Tom Whalen
Re-Animator, Psycho & Roost22 by Tom Whalen