Katamari Damacy by We Buy Your Kids And Landland

Mondo’s last Katamari Damacy poster just landed in our laps a few weeks ago, but they are back with more. That’s fine with us, we need more Katamari Damacy in our life. Today’s offering from We Buy Your Kids and Landland offer different takes on the popular video game that was released in 2004. Both prints look awesome and are 18″ x 24″ in size. The WBYK print comes in edition size of 200, while Landland’s print has an edition size of 225. Both are available later today on the the Drop.

Katamari Damacy by We Buy Your Kids
Katamari Damacy by WBYK
Katamari Damacy by Landland
Katamari Damacy by Landland