Assassin’s Creed Valhalla by Gabz

The week ends with Bottleneck Gallery and Nautilus Art Prints teaming up to drop Assassin’s Creed Valhalla By Gabz. The print commemorates the 15th anniversary of the series and this artwork from Gabz is exquisite. The composition is great and the colors, spot on. As this is a collaboration with Nautilus, they will be dropping the variant on their site at 1PM EST, while the regular version is on sale at Bottleneck at 12PM EST. Print details to follow.

Assassin’s Creed Valhalla by Gabz 24″ x 36″ Screen Print
  • Regular 8-color: $65 – edition of 350
  • Variant 9-color with gold metallic ink: $85 – edition of 150
Assassin's Creed By Gabz
Assassin’s Creed by Gabz
Assassin's Creed - Variant By Gabz
Assassin’s Creed – Variant by Gabz