Guns N’ Roses by Luke Martin

We end the week with more musically inspired artwork from Luke Martin. Bottleneck Gallery has been dropping some Grateful Dead artwork from Martin and even though we are not really into musical prints, the work is too good to pass up and we had to grab one. These are horizontal 36″ x 18″ prints for Guns N’ Roses and they look sweet. The work on the border really stands out. There are going to be available in a variety of options, including the original. Print details are below and these are on sale tomorrow at 12PM EST on

Guns N’ Roses by Luke Martin

36″ x 18″ Screen Print

  • Regular: $70 – edition of 325
  • Foil: $90 – edition of 150
  • Variant: $85 – edition of 200
  • Variant Foil: $100 – edition of 125
  • Line Art: $85 – edition of 75
  • Framed Wood Veneer: $425 – edition of 50
  • Original (24″ x 12″): $5000 – edition of 1