Grateful Dead by Logan Schmitt

As we roll into the Thanksgiving holiday, Bottleneck has one more drop for us before we stuff our bellies and get ready for all the Black Friday Archive sales to come, of which we’ll have a post about later this week. For tomorrow’s drop Logan Schmitt provides the goods in the form of brand new Grateful Dead artwork. Schmitt is an ace when drawing the natural world and his work is outstanding. His Grateful Dead piece will be available in three versions. All versions are 18″ x 24″, with the regular having an edition of 175, while the variants will both have editions of 115. The variants will also cost a bit more, $60 compared to the $50 price for the regular. All 3 prints go on sale tomorrow, November 24th at 12PM EST on the BNG website.

Grateful Dead by Logan Schmitt
Grateful Dead by Logan Schmitt
Grateful Dead - Variant A - by Logan Schmitt
Grateful Dead – Variant A – by Logan Schmitt
Grateful Dead - Variant B - by Logan Schmitt
Grateful Dead – Variant B – by Logan Schmitt