Grateful Dead artwork from Nicholas Moegly & Caleb Williamson

Bottleneck Gallery provides more Grateful Dead artwork today from artists Nicholas Moegly and Caleb Williamson. Moegly’s work, 710 Ashbury depicts the former home of Grateful Dead lead singer Jerry Garcia in San Francisco. Big fans of Moegy’s moody work, the 24″ x 36″ prints are available in both a regular ($65) and variant ($75) version, with edition sizes of 225 and 125 respectively. Bottleneck’s second offering for today is The Caravan Continues by Williamson. The whimsical prints featuring the Grateful Dead Bears looks cool and comes in a variety of versions. All prints are 24″ x 18″ with a regular, moon lava foil, white oil foil, circular wonder foil and racer foil paper versions available. The regular version is $40, while all versions of the foil variety are available for $50. All on sale at Noon today EST.

710 Ashbury by Nicholas Moegly
710 Ashbury by Nicholas Moegly
710 Ashbury - Variant by Nicholas Moegly
710 Ashbury – Variant by Nicholas Moegly
The Caravan Continues by Caleb Williamson
The Caravan Continues by Caleb Williamson
The Caravan Continues - Moon Lava Foil by Caleb Williamson
The Caravan Continues – Moon Lava Foil by Caleb Williamson
The Caravan Continues - White Oil Foil by Caleb Williamson
The Caravan Continues – White Oil Foil by Caleb Williamson
The Caravan Continues - Circular Wonder Foil by Caleb Williamson
The Caravan Continues – Circular Wonder Foil by Caleb Williamson
The Caravan Continues - Racer Foil by Caleb Williamson
The Caravan Continues – Racer Foil by Caleb Williamson