The May Queen – Midsommar by Ann Bembi

We kick off the April releases with something special, a print from the A24 film Midsommar by Ann Bembi. The May Queen print will be released to help raise money for those affected by the atrocities going on in Ukraine. Bembi has been directly affected by the situation in Ukraine, yet was able to create this piece to try help her follow countrymen in need. A remarkable gesture given the current circumstances. 100% of the proceeds from the drop will go to Humanitarian Aid for Ukraine. The print is 16″x 24″ and will cost $45. It will be a timed release print on sale for 1 hour only. Edition size will be determined by how many are sold in the hour. It goes on sale tomorrow at 12PM EST. Buy a print and help support people doing some good work. Or don’t buy a print and donate directly via the link above, that’s good too.

The May Queen - Midsommar by Ann Bembi
The May Queen – Midsommar by Ann Bembi