The Invisible Man by Johnny Dombrowski

For October, Mondo is doing its usual month long celebration of all things Horrific and why not start with the classics. First up, the Invisible Man from Johnny Dombrowski. His last Mondo print was pretty rad and have you seen the Phish poster with the cornfields and Aliens? It’s something special. This new Invisible Man artwork looks pretty neat too. It’s 24″ x 36″, 3 color screen print that will drop in two versions. The regular is an edition of 245 and will cost $50, while the variant will have an edition of 120 and cost $75. On sale tomorrow at Noon EST on the Drop.

The Invisible Man - Regular by Johnny Dombrowski
The Invisible Man – Regular by Johnny Dombrowski
The Invisible Man - Variant by Johnny Dombrowski
The Invisible Man – Variant by Johnny Dombrowski