The Crow by Matt Ferguson

This Tuesday Bottleneck Gallery and Matt Ferguson drop new alternative movie poster artwork from the film The Crow. The Crow starred the son of Bruce Lee, Brandon who tragically passed away during filming of the film when a prop gun fired a live bullet, striking and filling Lee. The film when on to be a commercial success with its dark fantasy themes, lively action sequences and stellar soundtrack, it remains a poignant legacy of Brandon Lee’s talent and is celebrated for its impact on the superhero and dark fantasy genres. We’ve seen some fantastic alt posters over the years from this film, including some superb ones from Ann Bembi, Matt Ryan Tobin and more recently Rafa Orrico Díez. Ferguson’s artwork is another great representation of the film, using dark imagery with some great lighting to bring the character to life. We are really into the regular version with the white and classic looks of the title. These prints are getting the full AMP treatment as screen prints with credits as well. These are on sale today at 12PM EST, cost and editions available are below.

The Crow by Matt Ferguson

24″ x 36″ Screen Print

  • Regular: $50 – edition of 275
  • Variant: $60 – edition of 100
The Crow by Matt Ferguson

24″ x 36″ 4mm Thick Acrylic Panel

  • Regular: $125 – edition of 30
  • Variant: $125 – edition of 30