The Bicycle Thief by Riccardo Guasco

Nautilus Art Prints in collaboration with Artedis Films is releasing a new print based on the Italian film, The Bicycle Thief. This is another collaboration with Mondo. Most recently the two companies collaborated on Anne’s Benjamin’s The Graduate print. The Bicycle Thief was quite a successful film, taking home many awards when it was released in 1949. These included the Oscar and Golden Globe for best foreign film in 1950. The print by Riccardo Guasco comes in both a regular and variant edition. Both are 24″ x 36″ and come in editions sizes of 175 and 75 respectively. Both versions are on sale tomorrow April 20th. The regular version will be available on Mondo’s Drop at noon EST, while the variant will be on sale on the Nautilus Art Prints shop at 1pm EST.

The Bicycle Thief - Regular version by Riccardo Guasco
The Bicycle Thief – Regular version by Riccardo Guasco
The Bicycle Thief - Regular version by Riccardo Guasco
The Bicycle Thief – Variant version by Riccardo Guasco