Robocop by Chris Thornley – Raid71

Thursday Grey Matter Art drops new artwork from Chris Thornley, aka Raid71 for one my favorite action movies, Robocop. I still recall seeing this movie for the first time and being blown away by the gratuitous violence and amazing use of blood effects. Knee caps being blown off, dude being stabbed in the throat, grenades, people being blasted time and time again… such and action packed tale. Thornley does a great job with this artwork, with both Robocop and ED-209. The 24” x 36” print will be available as 2 different foil prints, a rainbow and red foil. The rainbow holo foil will cost $50 and have an edition of 150. The more limited red foil will have an edition of 75 and also cost $50. These will be printed by Broken Press. Both prints go on sale tomorrow, March 3rd at 1PM EST in the GMA shop.

Robocop Holo Foil Edition by Chris Thornley (Raid71)
Robocop Holo Foil Edition by Chris Thornley (Raid71)
Robocop Red Foil Variant Edition by Chris Thornley (Raid71)
Robocops Red Foil Variant Edition by Chris Thornley (Raid71)