Nausicaä & Ōdachi By Karl Fitzgerald – Crimson Threnody By Marko Manev

Another multi print release for Bottleneck Gallery this week. First up are two works by Karl Fitzgerald. These new pieces from Karl are both inspired by two Japanese films, Nausicaä and Seven Samurai. Karl’s dark, sinister style lends itself well to these films and the resulting pieces are really fine. Nausicaä is a 24″ x 36″ print that comes in both a variant and regular version. The regular comes in an edition size of 115 while the has only 40 copies available. Ōdachi is also 24″ x 36″ and comes in both a regular and variant version as well. Edition sizes for hte regular and variant are 100 and 50 respectively. The third piece from Marko Manev, Crimson Threnody, ties in with an upcoming NFT release. We are not going to get into NFTs on this site, but if you are interested in finding out more about NFTs and wtf they are, this is good place to start This piece is an 18″ x 24″ Giclee print and comes in a very limited edition size of 30. All prints will be available today, at noon EST on the BNG homepage.

Nausicaä by Karl Fitzgerald
Nausicaä by Karl Fitzgerald
Nausicaä - Variant by Karl Fitzgerald
Nausicaä – Variant by Karl Fitzgerald
Ōdachi by Karl Fitzgerald
Ōdachi by Karl Fitzgerald
Ōdachi - Variant by Karl Fitzgerald
Ōdachi – Variant by Karl Fitzgerald
Crimson Threnody by Marko Manev
Crimson Threnody by Marko Manev