Naked Lunch by Hajime Sorayama

Wednesday Bottleneck Gallery is teaming up with ISH to drop artwork by Hajime Sorayama from
David Cronenberg’s The Naked Lunch. The film is a surreal and hallucinatory adaptation of William S. Burroughs‘ 1959 novel of the same name. The book was thought to be very difficult to adapt to film, but Cronenberg pulls it off. Beautiful artwork here from Sorayama, keeping in line with the elements of the film. We love these kinds of releases from BNG, releasing artwork from films that are grossly underrepresented in the alternative movie poster community. This are going to be co-released with ISH and will drop in two versions, a regular and variant, with the variant making use of some fancy quartz paper. The will both be up for sale today at 12PM EST on the Bottleneck Gallery website.

The Naked Lunch by Hajime Sorayama

24″ x 36″ Screen Print, 14 color

  • Regular: $75 – edition of 125
  • Quartz Paper Variant: $95 – edition of 50
The Naked Lunch by Hajime Sorayama
The Naked Lunch Regular and Quartz Variant by Hajime Sorayama