Mad Max: Fury Road by Matt Ferguson & Suspiria by John J Pearson

This afternoon Vice Press drops the second round of prints from their Open House Event, featuring artwork from Matt Ferguson and John J Pearson. Ferguson drops two editions of some nice looking Mad Max: Fury Road artwork, these are co-released with Bottleneck Gallery. John J Pearson contribution from the Open House event is a rad looking Suspiria print that is officially licensed through Atom Age Industries. These are on sale at 1PM EST on the Vice Press website, with print information below.

Mad Max: Fury Road by Matt Ferguson

24″ x 36″ Lithograph

  • Regular: $52 – edition of 250
  • Black & Chrome Foil Variant: $65 – edition of 175
Mad Max: Fury Road by Matt Ferguson
Mad Max: Fury Road by Matt Ferguson
Mad Max: Fury Road - Black & Chrome Variant by Matt Ferguson
Mad Max: Fury Road – Black & Chrome Variant by Matt Ferguson
Suspiria by John J Pearson

24″ x 36″ Lithograph

Regular: $52 – edition of 250

Suspiria by John J Pearson
Suspiria by John J Pearson