Mad Max: Fury Road by Greg Ruth

Wednesday we get alternative movie poster artwork from one of our favorite films, Mad Max: Fury Road. Fury Road is the critically acclaimed 2015 film directed by George Miller. It features Max Rockatansky, played by Tom Hardy, and Imperator Furiosa, played by Charlize Theron. The film is recognized for its thrilling action sequences and stunning visuals. The movie was a massive hit, not only at the box office but also at the Academy Awards, where it won six Oscars. A sequel, “Mad Max: The Wasteland”, is currently in development with Miller returning as director.

Bottleneck Gallery has been dropping some Mad Max artwork as of late and this one from Greg Ruth is the next one up. Ruth is a master of using smoke and transparency in his artwork and he flashes some of those skills with this piece. These releases are on the smaller edition size and go on sale tomorrow at 12 PM EST on, pricing and edition size are below.

Mad Max: Fury Road by Greg Ruth

24″ x 36″ Screen Print

  • Regular: $60 – edition of 150
  • Variant: $70 – edition of 75
Mad Max: Fury Road by Greg Ruth
Mad Max: Fury Road
Mad Max: Fury Road - Variant by Greg Ruth
Mad Max: Fury Road – Variant