Jurassic Park by George Bletsis

It’s Tuesday, which usually means we’ll get a few drops, like this new artwork from Vice Press by George Bletsis. All the way back in March of 2021 we had just kicked off this blog and George Bletsis was dropping Jurassic Park artwork of another kind. Two years later, Vice Press and Bletsis team up for more Jurassic artwork. This one is of the standard AMP size has more alternative movie poster qualities the the previous artwork, such as title and credits. A very cool print that will be very limited. In addition to this print, you can also grab a set featuring the print from two years ago, the A2 sized, Set Your Sights High. Details on the new print are below. These are on sale tomorrow at 1PM EST on vice-press.com

Jurassic Park by George Bletsis

24″ x 36″ Offset Lithograph

  • ~$50 – edition of 150
    • Set with Set Your Sights High: ~$80
Jurassic Park by George Bletsis
Jurassic Park by George Bletsis