Jurassic Park 3D Lenticular by Marc Schoenbach

Tomorrow Bottleneck Gallery is releasing a 3D lenticular Jurassic Park print from Marc Schoenbach. Bottleneck does a great job with these prints and Jurassic Park, with T-Rex busting out of the sign, certainly makes for a good lenticular release. I was just watching this film on Saturday night and am impressed with how well it holds up. Sure the “dinosaws” don’t look as incredible as they did back in ’93, but they still look good enough to make the kids wonder if they are real.

These prints are 24″ x 36″ in size and will be available in the two standard lenticular verities. The 1mm PET version is 24″ x 36″, costs $100 and will have an edition of 200. The 4mm polystyrene version is approximately 24″ x 36″ and will also have an edition size of 200. This one will cost $200. Both versions will include hand-numbered COA with a BNG hologram of authenticity. These are being released in collaboration with Vice Press and they go on sale tomorrow at Noon EST on the BNG homepage.

Jurassic Park - 3D Lenticular by Marc Schoenbach
Jurassic Park – 3D Lenticular by Marc Schoenbach