Hot Fuzz by Kevin Wilson

This afternoon Kevin Wilson continues his Three Flavours Cornetto trilogy with Vice Press, dropping the second film in the trilogy, Hot Fuzz. The series is directed by Edgar Wright and stars Simon Pegg and Nick Frost. Each film in the series follows a different theme or “Flavour” as the first film, Shaun of the Dead is the Zombie horror flick, this one, Hot Fuzz, the action cop film. The last film in the series, The World’s End is the alien invasion, end of hte world film. It’s a great series and Wilson has done a remarkable job so far with the prints. Starting with Shaun of the Dead last year and now Hot Fuzz, these prints have great details and color, matching the colors or Flavours of the series. We are looking forward to the final print in the trilogy. Also, if you missed out on the first print, there are still copies available so you can secure that one and collect all three. These are on sale today at 2PM ET on the Vice Press site.

Hot Fuzz by Kevin Wilson

36″ x 24″ Lithograph

  • Regular: ~$50 – edition of 175
  • Variant: ~$65 – edition of 160