Halloween Glow in the Dark by Tyler Stout

Happy Halloween! Back in April Grey Matter Art dropped this freaking fantastic Halloween print from Tyler Stout in both a timed release and variant version. It’s really nice print while we weren’t lucky enough to grab a variant, the timed edition, with orange coloring was a nice consolation prize. At the time I figured GMA was just not able to wait till Halloween to drop the print from Stout, but it looks like they were holding a little something back and I’m sure we’re all glad they did.

Today Grey Matter Art is dropping the Glow in the Dark version of this print from Stout. As with the other prints, this one is 24″ x 36″ and will have an edition of 280, which is more limited than the variant edition of 450 that was dropped back in April. It will have a blood curdling cost of $130. On sale today at 1PM EST in the GMA shop.

Halloween GID Variant by Tyler Stout
Halloween GID Variant by Tyler Stout
Halloween GID Variant by Tyler Stout
Halloween GID Variant by Tyler Stout