Halloween by Moor-Art Gallery

Tis the season and with Halloween right around the corner the Moor-Art Gallery quietly dropped prints for John Carpenter’s horror masterpiece Halloween. Not just prints from one or two artists though, but instead a total of 11 artists are releasing artwork. The drops will include artwork from Adam Stothard, Edgar Ascensão, Attila Szarka, Rich Davies, Albert Collado, Dark Inker, James Neal, Straife01, Dave O’Flanagan, Ryan Button, Sarah Atwa. Quite a list. These prints are on sale right now on the Moor-Art website. The artwork ranges in size, costs and edition sizes are below.

Halloween by Adam Stothard

24″ x 36″ Giclée

~$87 – edition of 50

Halloween by Edgar Ascensão

24″ x 36″ Giclée

~$87 – edition of 50

Halloween by Attila Szarka

24″ x 36″ Giclée

~$87 – edition of 50

Halloween by Rich Davies

24″ x 36″ Giclée

~$87 – edition of 50

Halloween by Albert Collado

24″ x 36″ Giclée

~$87 – edition of 50

Halloween by Dark Inker

24″ x 36″ Giclée

~$87 – edition of 50

Halloween by James Neal

24″ x 36″ Giclée

~$87 – edition of 50

Halloween by Straife01

24″ x 36″ Giclée

~$87 – edition of 50

Halloween by Dave O’Flanagan

12″ x 24″ Giclée

~$50 – edition of 30

Halloween – Variant by Dave O’Flanagan

12″ x 24″ Giclée

~$55 – edition of 20

Halloween by Ryan Button

18″ x 24″ Giclée

~$55 – edition of 50

Halloween by Sarah Atwa

18″ x 24″ Giclée

~$55 – edition of 50