Frankenstein by Sara Deck

Wednesday Bottleneck Gallery and Vice press co-release Universal Monsters artwork from Sara Deck from the Boris Karloff classic Frankenstein. Sara revealed this artwork back in September of 2022, and we are just now getting a chance to pick up a copy. Great looking artwork that will go nicely with her Bride piece, though this one is a offset lithograph, where the Bride is a screen print. As noted, this is a co-release between BNG and Vice Press so you can expect these to drop at 12PM and 1PM EST on the respective sites. Cost and edition size to follow.

Frankenstein by Sara Deck

24″ x 36″ Offset lithograph

  • Regular: $50 – edition of 200
  • Variant: $60 – edition of 150
Frankenstein by Sara Deck
Frankenstein - Foil Variant by Sara Deck
Frankenstein – Foil Variant