Disney Dreamland Prints from Ben Harman

Exciting week ahead as both NYCC and Bottleneck’s Virtual Con kick off this week. We are expecting a ton of a new releases from many of the different galleries so keep checking back for updates. Bottleneck is starting its Virtual Con with new Disney Dreamland releases from Ben Harman. This release will consist of 4 new prints from Frozen, The Rescuers, Peter Pan and Winnie the Pooh. All of hte releases today are 12″ x 36″ and will cost $60. Edition sizes will vary slightly from print to print. The Frozen print will be released in both regular and variant editions. The regular will have an edition of 150 and the variant 100. The incredible looking Peter Pan print will have an edition of 150. The Rescuers print will have an edition of 85 and Winnie the Pooh an edition of 125. All of these fantastic looking Disney prints will go on sale today at Noon EST on the BNG homepage.

Frozen by Ben Harman
Frozen by Ben Harman
Peter Pan by Ben Harman
Peter Pan by Ben Harman
Winnie the Pooh by Ben Harman
Winnie the Pooh by Ben Harman
Frozen variant by Ben Harman
Frozen variant by Ben Harman
The Rescuers by Ben Harman
The Rescuers by Ben Harman