Batmobile Series by Richard Davies

Bottleneck Gallery gives us artwork from Richard Davies and one of the most recognizable vehicles in modern film, the Batmobile. I’ve seen some excellent prints of the Batmobile recently and Matt Ferguson did a pretty sweet collection of the Batmobile from the different films and the animated series (maybe still more to come), but this series from Davies swaps out the animated series, adding two additional films to the mix. For this release we get the Batmobile from the follow productions. The 1966 film and movie, Batman. Batman Returns, the 1992 sequel to the late 80’s blockbuster. The Dark Knight, Batman vs. Superman and the recent Batman featuring Robert Pattinson. Davies’ prints are all 18″ x 24″, with editions of 200, costing $50 each. You can also pickup the set and make a pretty fantastic custom frame-up with all of the prints. The set will cost $225. The prints look great with a similar style and color palette. These are on sale tomorrow, June 28th at 1PM EST on the BNG website.