Spoke Art DesignerCon Online Releases

DesignerCon or DCon as they call it was last weekend and a few of the companies we follow had a presence there including Mondo and Spoke Art. While Mondo was only interested in releasing toys, Spoke Art came through with lots of printed artwork from a host of artists, including: Vincent Aseo, Germain Barthelemy, Felicia Chiao, Doaly, Chris Koehler, Rory Kurtz, Mike Mitchell, This is Fun, Isn’t It (Sarah Sumeray), Steve Thomas, Geoff Trapp, Van Orton Design, Zi Xu and Graham Yarrington. While not all of the artists dropped posters, many did. If you want to get a preview of some of the prints, you can check out Spoke Art’s post about it. While we don’t have full images or pricing of the releases, whatever was left over from the show, will be available this afternoon at 1PM EST on the Spoke Art website. One of those releases from Rory Kurtz is below.

Mobile Suit Gundam by Rory Kurtz
Mobile Suit Gundam by Rory Kurtz