Batman By Brian Reedy, Kiss By Jack Gregory & Waiting For The Perseids By Arsenal Handicraft

Bottleneck Gallery is coming strong with this Wednesday’s release. An incredible linocut print “Crime Alley” of Batman peering down from the rooftops by Brian Reedy. In addition, there are two KISS prints from Jack Gregory. There is a regular edition of 125 and a variant with a very limited number of 50 prints available. Lastly, a glow-in-the-dark print, Waiting for the Perseids by Arsenal Handicraft. This hand numbered edition of 140 prints looks awesome. All prints go on sale very shortly on the BNG homepage.

Crime Alley by Brian Reedy
Crime Alley by Brian Reedy
KISS by Jack Gregory
KISS by Jack Gregory
KISS variant by Jack Gregory
KISS – Variant by Jack Gregory
Waiting for The Perseids by Arsenal Handicraft
Waiting for The Perseids by Arsenal Handicraft