The Conversation by Laurent Durieux

This afternoon fans of Francis Ford Coppola’s seminal film “The Conversation” are in for a treat. Nautilus Art Prints, in collaboration with the talented Laurent Durieux, is set to release an alternative movie poster that encapsulates the film’s haunting and introspective nature. 

Laurent Durieux has long been celebrated for his ability to distill complex themes into visually stunning graphics, and his latest piece for “The Conversation” is no exception. The artwork portrays the film’s protagonist, played by Gene Hackman, enveloped in a dimly lit room filled with surveillance equipment. He sits, lost in thought, with a saxophone, hinting at the character’s isolation and the dual life he leads—one of solitude and one deeply entrenched in the murky world of espionage. Damn, it’s so good…

These are on sale today at 1PM EST on the Nautilus Art Prints website. Good luck grabbing one of these, as if it’s anything like the Black Narcissus release with Dark City Gallery it’s going to be a frustrating drop for sure.

The Conversation by Laurent Durieux

24″ x 36″ Screen Print, 15 color

  • Regular: ~$90 – edition of 350
  • Variant: ~$130 – edition of 125